woman sitting near sofa with cross legs

7 Hacks To Improve Your Style

You can absolutely improve your style easy peasy with these 7 hacks!

Style is all about the little things you do every day when you get dressed in the morning.

Always wear things you love and feel good in but use these hacks to make the most out of those items.

Let’s get to it!

7 Hacks To Improve Your Style | Go From Frumpy To Fabulous!

woman wearing white shirt and white skirt

1. Understand your body shape

I have talked about the importance of knowing your body shape a lot. Like, a lot. It’s just so important! If you don’t know what your body is shaped like, how do you know how to dress it?

It’s like decorating a house you’ve never seen. You have no idea what it looks like or what is going to look good in it.

So you start randomly picking things you love. When you finally get to the house and start decorating you realize that the things you bought don’t really go with the overall look and feel of the home. Then you are stuck with things you love but aren’t sure what to do with.

So frustrating right?

The same can be said of the clothes we buy.

When you just randomly buy things you love without understanding the big picture of how you are shaped, you are basically “hoping” those clothes will look good on you.

How many times have you bought things that looked good on the model only to find they look terrible on you?

I have done that so many times!

No matter what body shape you are I promise there are clothes that will fit you and make you look fabulous! The best-dressed celebrities are the ones who have perfected the art of dressing for their body shape. (Or at least their stylist has 😜).

woman walking near concrete pillars

2. Choose clothes that flatter your body shape

Once you know what shape you are it’s time to pick out clothes that flatter that particular shape. It can be hard to do this though because there will be items you love that you’ll have to pass up because you know they won’t look good on your shape.

But it also saves you time and money in the long run because you won’t buy things that you’ll never wear!

It can also be frustrating when the things in stores are not the types of clothes that you need. Fashion is constantly changing and what’s “in” at the moment will not always be what you need.

My pear body shape needs dresses that are defined at the waist but these days it’s all about the large shapeless dresses and finding anything in stores with a defined waist can be a challenge!

That’s where finding a good tailor comes in handy, like I mentioned above ⬆️

Sometimes you have to try things on to really understand how they will look on your body shape. Clothes look much different on a hanger than they do on a body! So don’t forget the importance of trying things on.

women's orange dress shirt

3. Tuck In Your Shirt

This is a super simple yet super effective styling hack. It’s become pretty popular so you may have seen it before.

When I say tuck in your shirt I don’t necessarily mean tuck in the whole shirt. I’m talking about tucking in just the front part.

It’s amazing what just tucking in the front part will do for your figure. A large oversize shirt, when tucked in the front, is suddenly super cute instead of super big.

The reason for this is that it gives the clothes some shape and shows that there is in fact a body under all that fabric!

woman holding cup walking beside wall

4. Embrace neutrals

Neutrals are an amazing addition to anyone’s wardrobe. I personally am obsessed with love black. I have a ton of black in my closet because everything goes with black! Seriously, name something that doesn’t work with black?


I tend to lean towards darker neutrals like blacks and greys while my sister wears a lot of whites, creams, and pinks. It’s just a preference for what we like to wear but they both work.

My sister is a great example of a clean and classical style. She wears a lot of neutrals in classic shapes. When she does go bold she keeps things streamlined and usually sticks to solid colors.

Neutrals are your friend! If you want to wear something bold you can pair it with a neutral to calm things down and make sure your statement piece is the center of attention.

Plus neutrals are easy to mix and match and get a lot more mileage than that hot pink top with ruffles.

woman in black t-shirt and gray pants sitting on white metal railings during daytime

5. Use Trends Sparingly

Every time you turn around there is a new trend all the influencers on social media are wearing. And they all look good on the influencers! I mean, they are influencers for a reason, right?

Scrolling through Instagram might trick you into thinking that to improve your style you need to look just like them. But that’s not true!

It’s important to remember that they are wearing things so you will buy them. Althoughmany influencers buy many things themselves, they are also receiving lots of PR items from stores and designers – meaning they get them free – because it’s the best advertising!

Have you ever noticed that a certain outfit or shoe will suddenly show up on every influencer within days/weeks? Like those golden goose sneakers that everyone was paying $500 dollars for. Yikes.

Trends are great but be picky and buy things that fit into your look and lifestyle. Remember you are beautiful the way you are, you don’t need to wear what they are wearing to be stylish!

woman in white and red floral long sleeve shirt wearing sunglasses

6. Well-Made Clothes vs. Expensive

Buying super-expensive designer clothes do NOT guarantee you will be stylish. Just as buying inexpensive clothes does not mean you have no style.

It’s all in how you put them together!

Regardless of the price tag, there are some important things to consider when choosing your outfits each day.

In order to look put together and stylish, your clothes need to be well maintained and cared for. That means don’t wear things that have holes or tears and are faded and worn thin (unless you bought them that way of course 😜).

Even if that dress is Prada, if it has holes or looks like it’s seen better days, don’t wear it. You should probably purge your closet of all those items now so you aren’t even tempted.

In the past, I have bought SO many things that I loved but were made cheaply. They were inexpensive to purchase but they did not last very long.

It is so hard to part with them (I’m looking at you Charlotte Russe shoes) because they are usually unique items I can’t find anywhere else.

However, nothing says cheap like holes in your shirt (can someone please tell my husband this?) and that black dress that has faded to a dark grey.

So do yourself a favor and get rid of that stuff now! Or save it to wear when you are painting the house or working in the yard outside.

woman in beige blazer sitting on white table

7. Find A Good Tailor

This is a super important hack that so many people underestimate the power of!

Clothes that are mass-produced (especially inexpensive ones) are often big or shapeless. This is because it is easier to fit a wider range of body types if your pieces have a lot of extra room in them.

The downside to this is that it can be hard to find things that fit properly. Clothes that fit you properly are ALWAYS going to be more flattering than large shapeless items.

This doesn’t mean the clothes have to be tight or snug on your body, it just means they need to come in at the right places so you can tell there’s a body under there!

This is where having a good tailor comes in handy! A tailor is someone who can hem and alter your clothes in the right places to make them fit your body type! They are experts at this.

Think of a blazer or dress that fits you like a glove vs. a dress that’s a little too big and an oversized shapeless blazer. Which do you think looks better on you?

I am not a tailor but I use this technique a lot on dresses. For example, I am a pear body shape which means that my waist is fairly well defined and my hips are larger than my shoulders.

Sadly, I cannot wear those super cute sheath dresses or really any dress that doesn’t have a good structure to it.

An easy fix is to sew some elastic into the waist of the dress and VOILA! A shapeless sheath dress becomes a fit and flare dress that flatters my figure so much better. Yay!

Just Google “tailors near me” or “alterations near me” or inquire about these at your local dry cleaners. They usually have someone there who does alterations or they might be able to refer you to someone. You won’t regret it!

woman sitting near sofa with cross legs

Conclusion: 7 Hacks To Improve Your Style Today

I hope these 7 hacks to improve your style have helped and/or inspired you! Having style is not as hard as you might think and these 7 hacks are a great place to start to improve.

Here’s a recap:

  1. Understand your body shape
  2. Choose clothes that flatter your body shape
  3. Do the front tuck with your shirt
  4. Embrace neutrals
  5. Be picky when following trends
  6. Buy well-made vs. expensive clothes
  7. Find a good tailor

I would love to hear your thought in the comments! Did these tips help you? Are there any more you think are important to know?

Until next time beautiful!


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