My Story

Hi there! I’m Rachel and I started this blog to share my love of fashion and all the lessons I’ve learned over the years trying to figure out what to wear that makes me feel good and look good. Along the way I realized that if you feel good in what you wear, it is a huge boost to your confidence! My style, like my life, is constantly evolving as I figure out different ways to wear the same things and find new things to add to the mix.

What you wear has the POWER to CHANGE how you see yourself.

11 Fun Facts About Me

  • I have a wonderful supportive husband, a rambunctious little boy who is the light of my life & a sweet Frenchie named Waffles.
  • I am a habitual DIY-er and have a hard time buying things if I think I can make it myself.
  • I was born & raised in Tennessee but I have also lived in Georgia, Arizona, & Maryland.
  • I fell in love with fashion when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • In the morning if there’s no coffee, there’s no talkee. 
  • I need sunshine to survive. I’m kind of like a lizard 🦎
  • Sarcasm is my love language.
  • I HATE bugs & if I see one in my house I feel dirty & start obsessively cleaning
  • I have 10 tattoos but my half-sleeve is my favorite
  • I am an introvert & need need alone time to recharge
  • I dislike hemming pants or ”altering” clothes…I prefer to design, pattern, and make clothes from scratch!

What can I do for you?

Need help figuring out what looks good on you and what your style is? I got you!

I have heard so many women say “oh that’s cute but I could never wear that because (insert reason here).

I’m here to tell you…that is BS. You can wear anything that someone else is wearing. The trick is to understand your body type & what types of clothes are best for that body type. There is no rule that says you have to be a certain size or body type to wear things that are fashionable or to be stylish.

You are perfect the way you are & YES you can be stylish!

Once you understand your body type, learn what to buy & wear for that body type & learn some tricks for putting outfits together, you’ll be on your way to developing your own style in no time! Women will start coming up to YOU & saying “wow you look great, I could never pull that off!”

When you feel good about how you look, it immediately increases your confidence.

When you walk out of your house feeling confident every day you’ll be amazed at the things you can accomplish. You’ll get that promotion, find that guy, or be super mom…the sky is the limit. This is because we limit ourselves based on how we feel about ourselves. And though fashion seems like it doesn’t matter, I promise you it can make a huge difference in how you show up every day.

Getting dressed is something we all do every day.

We all have to put on clothes every day (unless you live in a nudist colony, right?) so why not learn how to make the best of it. Let me help you feel more confident in your style so you can take on the world & achieve your dreams!

Ready To Dive In?

I’d love to know more about you!

Shoot me an email at and tell me about your life & what having style would mean for you.

Until next time beautiful!