two women wearing dresses

8 Ways To Have A More Feminine Style

Spring is just over the horizon and there is no better time to try out a feminine style. Dresses & skirts in pastel hues, florals, and lace are everywhere and to me, represent Spring style.

But what if you want to have a feminine style all of the time, not just in the Spring? We’ll dig into that more in a later post but for now, I’d like to share these 7 simple ways to have a more feminine style.

However, before we dive into all that, I want to make two things clear. Firstly, no one can define what feminine style means to you, only you can do that for yourself. Let’s assume – for purposes of this post – that the writer defines the feminine style for herself and these 7 ways are representative of that.

Secondly, not everything I say here about feminine style will apply to you or your lifestyle and that’s ok. These are my thoughts and observations based on my own experiences and my surroundings. I do hope you find some value here that you can take and use in your own beautiful life.

What Feminine Style Is To Me

I will not loosely define the feminine style for you because I don’t think there is “one” ultimate definition.

Feminine style means different things to different women so I, a distinct fashion lover & obsessed, can only tell you what feminine style means to me.

Feminine style to me means wearing things that make you feel pretty, beautiful, and well…girly.

Here are 8 Ways To Have Feminine Style

brown haired woman in white dress sitting on gray concrete stair during day time

1- Feminine Style: The Silhouette

I was a true “tomboy” growing up. I only wore dresses when I had to (like for church) and I was usually in the woods with the boys in the neighborhood crawling on rocks or playing in the water.

In high school, we had a dress code that consisted of khaki or navy pants and four colors of polo shirts. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties with a “real” job that I first started dressing up.

I wore a dress or skirt every day with heels.

It was magical. I suddenly felt MORE powerful and more like myself, the self I wanted to be.

Dresses, skirts, and heels made me feel more feminine and instead of feeling boxed in or less than the boys, it actually made me feel more confident. I am a woman after all and I finally started dressing the part.

Now, maybe you aren’t comfortable in dresses or skirts OR you have to wear pants to work every day. That’s ok! You can still have a feminine style in the workplace.

Just focus on beautiful blouses and structured blazers to accentuate your shape.

fit and flare tulle dress

2 – Fitted, Not Tight, Clothes

To dress like a woman and be feminine does not mean you have to wear super tight bodycon dresses. You don’t have to be overtly sexual in the way you dress. You can of course but you are not limited to that.

It’s important to wear clothes that are fitted properly to your body shape so they accentuate your beautiful feminine body in the right places.

I am a pear body shape which means my hips are larger than my shoulders. I carry most of my weight in my lower body as well. So wearing dresses and skirts that flare out from the waist puts all the emphasis on my slim upper half while disguising my lower half.

If you have to wear pants to work then get pants that fit you well – most likely this means taking them to a tailor. Do it! You’ll be amazed at how much better you look when your pants fit you properly.

Also, get a well-fitting blazer. A blazer that cuts in at the waist is So much more flattering on a woman’s body than a straight blazer. Show off those curves!

Girl in lavender dress with lavender hair

3 – The Patterns & Colors

Want to look more feminine and have a feminine style? Pay attention to the patterns and colors of your dresses, skirts, and tops.

Light florals and pastels convey a romantic vibe and neutrals give off a sophisticated glamour all their own. Find the colors that work best for you and your skin tone!

Now, if you are a black clothes lover like me you might be wondering how you can wear black and still look feminine.

Well, the same principles here apply to black clothes as well. Try black dresses and skirts that fit you well and have girly details such as bows, lace, ruffles, etc. to soften the look and make it more feminine.

woman in blue sleeveless dress standing on green grass field during daytime

4 – The Girly Details

Being more feminine is all about the details. Take a normal white button-down shirt.

Now, bring the waist in a bit to shape the shirt. Then add ruffles around the neckline and sleeve cuff.

Add a beautiful broach or buttons on the sleeve cuff and suddenly that plan button-down is a gorgeous feminine wardrobe basic!

Ruffles, bows, gathers, flutter sleeves, etc. all convey a feminine vibe and will help you have a more feminine style.

gold perfume bottle beside pink rose

5 – Smell The Part

Another way to up your feminine appeal? Find a fragrance that is not too intense (and doesn’t smell like your grandma šŸ˜œ).

Perfumes with light floral or vanilla scents are my favorite. Just enough to make an impression on those around you.

Our brain retains smells long after our memory has forgotten why so want people to remember you? Find an amazing fragrance!

woman in white dress and black leather pumps

6 – Heels, Heels, Heels

Regardless of what clothes you wear – dresses, skirts, pants, etc. – the number 1 way to have a feminine style is to wear HEELS.

Not only do heels elongate your legs but they force you to have better posture. Do you ever see anyone with heels on slouching? No.

Suddenly you are a couple inches taller with great posture and you’d be amazed how people react to that.

It will increase your confidence!

This doesn’t mean you have to wear 4-inch heels every day. Even 1-2 inches can give you the same feeling!

I used to have a closet full of 4-inch heels that I wore to work every day. But these days my lifestyle (and my feet) can’t really handle that much height.

So I stick to 1-2 in heels and boots and I still get the same effect.

Try it!

purple haired woman in black top leaning on wall

7 – The Hair

Hair is tricky because everyone has a different length, texture, and style so this might not apply to you. For me, I have naturally mostly straight hair (it has a little weird wave in it when I air dry it).

Since my hair is naturally straight, I have of course spent most of my life curling it. We always want what we don’t have right? lol

Curling my hair makes me feel more feminine! Especially having bouncy curls. I feel like it softens my face – plus I have an oval/longish face so the curls help bring some much-needed width there.

For my naturally curly girls, I know you have your own woes so I won’t tell you how lucky you are haha. Maybe for you, it’s straightening your hair that makes you feel more feminine.

Try out different styles and different cuts/colors to see what makes you feel the most like your feminine self.

woman with blue eyes and black hair

8 – The Power Of Makeup

Makeup is an amazing invention that my dark under eyes and crazy skin are thankful for on a daily basis!

If you don’t believe in the power of makeup then go on youtube and search for makeup tutorials. You can see the transformation right before your eyes, it’s crazy what people can do with makeup!

Of course, you don’t have to be a pro at makeup – I’m certainly not – to look pretty and pulled together. But knowing how to do it correctly is an important skill to master.

That’s where youtube is your best friend so start googling and trying things out until you find something that works for you.

My favorite way to feel more feminine and powerful: red lipstick. I don’t know what it is – I guess it brightens my face – but it always gives me a little extra boost of confidence.

If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.

two women wearing dresses

Conclusion: 8 Ways To Have Feminine Style

Earlier I said that having feminine style to me means wearing dresses & skirts with heels. Is this the only way to have a feminine style? No of course not. But I’ll tell you why I feel the way I do.

See, men can’t wear skirts or dresses – I mean technically they can but you know what I mean.

So the ability to wear a dress, skirt, and heels is kinda like having a superpower. Men have a limited amount of things they can wear, but women, we have an arsenal.

We can choose the things that make us look and feel our best and conquer the world.

Let’s recap the 8 ways to have feminine style:

  1. Wear dresses, skirts, and beautiful blouses.
  2. Choose clothes that are fitted but not tight.
  3. Go for girly patterns and colors like florals and pastel hues.
  4. Choose items that have girly details like bows, ruffles, flutter sleeves, and gathers.
  5. Wear a light floral fragrence.
  6. Wear heels – even 1-2″ heels will make you feel more confident.
  7. Curl, straighten, or style your hair in whatever way makes you feel more beautiful and feminine.
  8. Wear makeup that accentuates your features – try red lipstick!

Alright beautiful, I hope these 8 ways to have a more feminine style have inspired you to try some new things! Being a woman is awesome so get up, dress up, and live the life of your dreams.

Let me know if you tried any of these ways in the comments!

Until next time beautiful,

P.S. Check out the Rachel + Rebecca Shop on Etsy for some great feminine style

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